NDWG Committee meeting 2020-07-07

Meeting held by Zoom at 20:00.


  • Maggie Langley, Chair
  • Taliesin Walker, Secretary
  • David Richmond, Socials
  • Fiona Halliday, Walks Organiser
  • Joanne Morris, Weekends Organiser
  • Alistair Green, Web/IT
  • Tracy Fisher, Membership
  • Rachel Williams, General
  • Andrew Cowell, Communications
  • Angela Smedley, Treasurer
  • Rachel Johnson, Weekends Organiser


  • None


  • Attended online area meeting discussing restarting walks.
    • Meetup, Facebook, Eventbrite
    • Risk template.
    • No need to collect details for Track and Trace because we should be able to keep 2m apart.
    • Car sharing status uncertain. Keep up to date with government statements.
      • Suggested: Keep windows open, wash after, passengers sit in back.
    • Walks must be advertised publicly.
    • Rights of way must be kept open, report closed rights of way.


  • Trialling Eventbrite, 5 tickets + leader for walks.
  • Walks to be circulated via usual channels. Walks to go live after details sent out to give people a fair chance to subscribe.
  • Walks for this Sunday.
  • Walks on Eventbrite are tagged NDWG.
  • Eventbrite doesn’t tell how many tickets are left, just if there are any left.
  • Statement to be issued stating that you must sign up on Eventbrite, people who just show up will be asked to leave/not join walk. You must bring your ticket printed/mobile.
  • Action: Maggie to put an email out asking for assistance to walks coordinator to assist Fiona.


  • Not much new to report.
  • Suggestion: Six Dales Way.


  • Zoom subscription purchased.
  • ~£4,900 balance.
  • Annual Ramblers allocation offered ~£270, we must confirm we want it.
  • Action: Angela to accept the money from area.


  • Current membership gone down by 6, now 187. Payment pending 10.
  • Membership hub still not working.
  • Not required to check memberships at the moment due to nothing being organised.


  • Just too hard to organise.
  • Picnics in open area?
  • Zoom social held, no one turned up. Rachael Wiliams in response to minutes being circulated: I understand it wasn’t quite zero attendance. I heard from a friend that 2 or 3 people plus Dave turned up. 


  • Not much to put on website.
  • Draft new website pending.
  • Work out what needs to be ported over.
  • Questions about copyright statement in footer.
    • Need to note we are part of the Ramblers.
  • Good time to set up new site while it is quiet.
  • Action: Alistair to update draft website to remove walks and send round for further feedback.
  • Action: Alistair to forward any queries on Slack.
  • Action: Alistair to find out if we can take a copy of the site for archive purposes?


  • Not much to report.
  • Continuing to forward announcements via email.
  • Facebook/MeetUp, +25 in recent weeks. Facebook > 500 members so we can’t organise events easily.
  • Meetup very quiet.
  • Facebook fairly quiet.


  • AGM may be deferred.
  • We are supposed to do it in the 1st quarter of the year.
  • Tentative date: 6th October Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-ish.
  • Action: Taliesin to enquire with Canal House to see if they’ll take a booking for October:
    • About 30ish people.
    • Charity, last year they charged us about £80.
  • Action: Maggie to enquire with Ramblers re-holding physical AGM.
  • Next meeting: Tuesday 1st September 2020.

Other Business

  • Minutes from previous meeting accepted.

Meeting closed 21:15.