NDWG Committee Meeting 2021-04-13

Present: Alistair Green, Dave Hufton, David Richmond, Gary Olds, Helen Percy, Tracey Fisher, Joanne Morris.

Apologies: Angela Smedley, Rachel Johnson

Minutes: Helen Percy

Walks Programme

Good progress been made and skeleton programme written. Still need volunteers to lead many walks. 2 walks planned for most Sundays and many Wednesday and Saturday walks scheduled until 31st October.

  • AP Gary to finalise programme and send to Alistair
  • AP Alistair to publish programme on website, and send that version to all committee members
  • AP Tracey to promote programme on Facebook and by email

Target date for these actions: 18th April

As people volunteer to lead walks Gary will send list periodically to Alistair so website can be updated.

Walks so Far

Gary led both of them. Joanne went on one of them.

Covid leaflet didn’t go out for first walk. Eventbrite didn’t send it out automatically for the second one so Gary did it manually.

  • AP Gary to talk to Paul Adams if more help is need learning Eventbrite.

Walks were covid secure. Odd improvement possible, eg does everyone touch gate and then use sanitiser or one person hold gate for everyone. Car sharing only happened within bubbles.

Publicising / Booking Future Walks

We agreed that walks should be publicised until October this week (see previous minute).

Booking through eventbrite is basically working and we would continue with this system.

Booking should open further in advance in future. We agreed booking should open 13 days beforehand and at the same time of day.

  • AP Gary to check how to programme Eventbrite so bookings open automatically, talk to Paul Adams if help is needed
  • AP Tracey to communicate when bookings open.
  • AP Alistair to ensure website is clear about when people can book on walks.

Any Other Business

Alistair showed us some of the new website. It was agreed that it was much better than the previous version. The page highlighting which walks needed leaders was particularly appreciated.

  • AP Gary / Relevant Walk Leaders to check public transport times and adapt walk start times etc appropriately. Inform Alistair & Tracey so this can be communicated to the group.

We confirmed we were happy with the Dog policy and how it was communicated on the website.


There was a discussion about Assemble and ensuring that walk leaders were registered with the Ramblers Association. This is important to meet insurance requirements.

  • AP Dave H to contact Ramblers Association to correct details of Volunteer Manager for some people on the committee.
  • AP Gary to send list of previous walk leaders to Tracey so she can check membership numbers. When new people start leading walks Gary should find out their membership number, with Tracey’s help.

Committee Composition

We really need someone to be the Assistant Walk Leader. With booking process on Eventbrite the job is bigger than it has been in the past.

Currently there we don’t have a Secretary.

Helen agreed to take minutes each time.

Dave R agreed to set up zoom meeting etc.

  • AP Dave H to put out an appeal for volunteers
  • AP All ask members we know, and people we meet on walks if they will join the committee!

Next Meeting

Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 19:30, probably by Zoom.