NDWG Committee Meeting 2021-07-20

Present: Alistair Green, Angela Smedley, Dave Hufton, David Richmond, Gary Olds, Joanne Morris, Rachel Johnson, Tracy Fisher.

Apologies: Helen Percy.

Ben Turner has stood down as assistant Walks Organiser. Dave H will now assist as Walk Organiser.

  • AP: Dave H to request if Lisa can help as walks coordinator.

Previous Minutes from 11/5

  • AP: Lisa, Gary and Dave H to review walks going forward
  • AP: Dave H to share how to start a library of GPX files to help walk leaders in the future from Ben


Concern raised over shortage of numbers within walks and Meetup suggested to increase numbers.

Gary to continue to focus on short walks due to lack of interest in the long walks.

  • AP: Gary and Tracey to push walks through Facebook
  • AP: Gary to cancel Holmfirth and Alistair to remove from NDWG website
  • AP: Further meeting required on Gary’s return on 10th August to discuss Meetup and other ways to increase numbers
  • AP: David R to add walk to Meetup as test event prior to 10th August meeting
  • AP: Gary and Alistair to update the Website with latest walks programme

Gary talked about potential to replace Holmfirth with Carsington water as is easier to lead.


Pembrokeshire sold out with one on reserve list and currently ok regarding covid – main risk is different restrictions between Wales and England.

Regarding Pembrokeshire weekend, send an encouragement email for members to undertake PCR test prior to visit.

Halloween weekend (14 nr spaces) to be pushed for next few weeks or until second payment due.

  • AP: Angela to find out when final payment due


Little to report.

Some refunds and payments have been processed for weekends.

Much of the current club funds is allocated to pay balances for weekends away.


Focus has been more on ensuring leaders registered on Assemble rather than membership.


Reluctance to start socials in line with the outbreak of the Delta variant.


Nothing to report.

Updating of walks programme etc ongoing.


To review if possible, to arrange a pub location as well as zoom for next meeting.

Next meeting 21st September 2021, possibly mix of real life & Zoom.