NDWG Committee Meeting 2021-09-21

Present: Dave H, Gary O, Joanne M, Rachel J, Alistair G, Tracy F, David R (arrived late).

Apologies: Lisa, Angela S

Previous Minutes

Lisa is now on board helping Gary organise walks.

Meet up has been tried and possibly helped increase numbers a bit.

More pushing of walks has been done though Facebook, it varies as to who does it.

Outstanding action: Dave H to share how to start a library of GPX files to help walk leaders in the future.

Past Weekends

Stackpole happened last month. Had good weather. Lots of long standing / past members there.

We didn’t lose any money on it. One person had to pull out due to testing positive to COVID before travelling. It was too short notice for the place to be filled by anyone else.

Future Weekends

Discussion regarding feasibility of Earby Weekend next month. Katie as leader not confident about COVID control measures possible. 5 people have booked on, but there’s not been much promotion of it.

Joanne has contacted the hostel. We can get our money back or move booking to next year, but they’d like to know soon.

Agreed to cancel, rather than postpone, the weekend.

  • AP: Joanne to cancel booking with Earby and let Katie know. Katie to inform those who had booked on weekend.

Other weekends

Scotland trip still fully booked for Easter next year.

Kettlewell trip planned for mid July 2022 but no one booked on that yet.


Bank balance at 21st September £3907. High because of people paying for Scotland weekend but money not been spent yet due to postponement of weekend.

Area had challenged high bank balance but happy with explanation.

  • AP: Angela to complete annual returns by 18th October

Past Walks

Problem getting walk leaders for July and August. Probably at least in part because of people going away. It was easier to get walk leaders for the spring.

The autumn is proving easier to find people for than the summer.

Numbers on walks are pretty low.

Discussion about issues of people coming on walks they weren’t fit enough for and responsibilities of walk leaders.

  • AP: Dave H promote online walk leader training. Reminder to walk leaders of need to report people who need to drop out, accidents, injuries etc

Future Walks Programme

Discussion occurred about reducing the numbers of walks in the programme while we’re short of leaders. We agreed not to make changes to summer programme but will reduce number of walks in next programme. New programme progressing well.

We need to nurture new walk leaders. Suggestion is to hold a walk planning / navigation session as well as highlight the online training available.

  • AP: Helen to talk to people in club working towards mountain leadership to see if they’d be happy to run a session. Gary and Dave H also said they could train up new leaders
  • AP: Gary and Lisa check grades of walks on programme are in line with Ramblers Association website descriptions
  • AP: Gary post on Facebook more details about walk grades
  • AP: Gary provide Alistair with information about what the walk grades mean and local examples
  • AP: Alistair create new page on website with information about walk grades etc

Booking on walks

Booking no longer required for COVID restrictions as numbers not limited.

Leaders do need to take register and keep for 21 days. Some leaders may want to limit numbers though.

Agreed to keep booking process until the end of the current programme.

Agreed to change leaflet for participants so it doesn’t say car sharing isn’t allowed.

  • AP: Helen amend leaflet for participants.
  • AP: Gary check with walk leaders if they want to limit the numbers on their walk. Any such walks should only be booked through Eventbrite, but message to go on Meetup directing people to Eventbrite
  • AP: Gary and Lisa finalise programme and distribute it to get leaders


Rambers Association stats: 194 members, 18 new members in the last 3 months, 2 reinstated members, 8 joined in Sept 2021.

Meetup: 884 members

  • AP: Tracy remove message on Meetup page saying bookings can only be done through Eventbrite


Ramblers Association say they can be held if outside.

Currently on hold in this club.


Not much to report.

Work mainly been updating the walks programme


Little to report.


We agreed the date of 3rd November 2021 (believing there was a need to give 1 months notice and wanting to avoid school holidays).

Agreed it should be on Zoom, rather than in person.

Agreed we wouldn’t have a password but will have a waiting room.

Joanne, Rachel, Tracy, David R all need to stand down.

Helen and Dave H hope to stand down but will continue if no one else can be persuaded.

  • AP: ALL Encourage anyone they know in the group to come to the AGM and to take on roles!


Meetup subscription ($98) is due on 15th October. This should be in the name of someone who will still be on the committee, rather than Tracy as it currently is.

  • AP: Gary, Lisa, Dave H to discuss who would be best to take on the (minimal) role of organiser and have the meet up account in their name. Inform Tracy of decision when she returns from break on 4th October.

Date next meeting

To be decided by the new committee.