NDWG Committee Meeting 2024-10-10


  • Rosanna Rapacchietta (Chair/Secretary)
  • Stuart Broadhurst (Treasurer and weekend organiser)
  • Alistair Green (Webmaster)
  • Gary Olds (Walks Organiser)
  • Jay Power (Meet up and weekend organiser)

Previous minutes

Discussions focused on AGM planning, new walk leaders and weekends away.

Walks Organiser

The current walk programme is planned up to the 8th December and there are ideas to encourage new walk leaders by offering shorter walks likely around six miles or less which will hopefully be available in the New Year. These will be in addition to the standard longer walks. Risk assessments will be reviewed in line with Ramblers guidance. For new walk leaders there is a form to fill in and on registering there will be a link to access Ramblers training and guidance for new leaders. New walk leaders need to contact the Committee to be added as a volunteer.


The weekend away in the Lake District was cancelled due to low turn out and the group will focus on improving socials in the future to encourage more interest with pub meets and socials during walks. The Committee will also consider the group’s social name to ensure it more accurately reflects group members as a whole and considering guidance from Ramblers where necessary.


The committee is looking at the current social channels to improve their appeal and reach a wider audience. This includes Meetup and Facebook questions prior to approving requests and changing the visual appearance of the social platforms by adding more current images and scenery. Facebook post monitoring is ongoing to help ensure the Facebook page remains relevant to the group.


The group’s finances remain stable. The annual accounts have been submitted and should be ready for the AGM.


There have been new members and more interest shown in the group through enquiries, Facebook requests and new members on walks.


The domain name has been renewed for another five years and walks continue to be listed on Walks Manager.


This role remains vacant.


The Committee will be kept updated on area meetings taking place.


It is hoped the AGM will be an in person event with a pub meet likely in Beeston offering a buffet and raffle prizes. More details will follow on Facebook.